hey there, here are your recipe. take it easy <3

  1. what is your biggest day to day challenge?
  2. do you find your study challenging and interesting?
  3. how often do you set goals for yourself?
  4. what kind of goals do you have for the next year?
  5. when have you given up on something?
  6. where do you find purpose in your life?
  7. do you find purpose in your study?
  8. if you won the lottery, would you keep working in your current profession?
  9. do you think people have a "higher calling" in life?
  10. what have you been most proud of learning lately?
  11. who do you consider as family?
  12. what role does family play in your life?
  13. what is your best friend like?
  14. what role does music play in culture?
  15. does language affect how we see the world?
  16. do you think you could live in another country?
  17. which world culture is the most fascinating to you?
  18. do you believe the way we dress affects how we think?
  19. are people defined by the culture they grew up in?